Source code for kpfm.util

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

This module contains useful utility functions, decorators, and plotting helpers
that are useful throughout the ``kpfm`` package.

**Should my function go here?**
If you find yourself wanting it in many IPython notebooks, yes!
Just add a docstring and make sure the function is useful on its own
(not dependent on any external data, doesn't make assumptions that limit
broader usefulness of the code).

from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import
import io
import os
import errno
import six
import h5py
import scipy
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
from decorator import decorator

# Fix errors on readthedocs by defining a dummy version of
# next_fast_len if scipy is "mocked" (see docs/
    if LooseVersion(scipy.__version__) > LooseVersion("0.18"):
        from scipy import fftpack
        next_fast_len = fftpack.next_fast_len
        from scipy.signal import signaltools
        next_fast_len = signaltools._next_regular
except TypeError:
    def next_fast_len(x):
        return x

[docs]def silent_remove(filename): """If ``filename`` exists, delete it. Otherwise, return nothing. See""" try: os.remove(filename) except OSError as e: # this would be "except OSError, e:" before Python 2.6 if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: # errno.ENOENT = no such file or directory raise # re-raise exception if a different error occured
[docs]def align_labels(axes_list, lim, axis='y'): """Align matplotlib axis labels to the same horizontal (y-axis) or vertical (x-axis) position. """ for ax in axes_list: if axis == 'y': t = ax.yaxis.label.get_transform() x,y = ax.yaxis.label.get_position() ax.yaxis.set_label_coords(lim, y, t) else: t = ax.xaxis.label.get_transform() x,y = ax.xaxis.label.get_position() ax.xaxis.set_label_coords(x, lim, t)
[docs]def color2gray(x): """Convert an RGB or RGBA (Red Green Blue Alpha) color tuple to a grayscale value.""" if len(x) == 3: r, g, b = x a = 1 elif len(x) == 4: r, g, b, a = x else: raise ValueError("Incorrect tuple length") return (r * 0.299 + 0.587*g + 0.114*b) * a
[docs]def txt_filename(f, fname_or_fh, *args, **kwargs): """Decorator to allow seamless use of filenames rather than file handles for functions that operate on a text file. Usage ----- To use this decorator, write the function to take a file object as the function's first argument.""" if isinstance(fname_or_fh, six.string_types): with, 'r') as fh: return f(fh, *args, **kwargs) else: return f(fname_or_fh, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]def h5filename(f, fname_or_fh, *args, **kwargs): """Decorator to allow seamless use of filenames rather than file handles for functions that operate on an HDF5 file. Usage ----- To use this decorator, write the function to take an HDF5 file handle as the function's first argument. Example: We create a simple function and HDF5 file. >>> @h5filename >>> def h5print(fh): >>> print(fh.values()) >>> >>> fh = h5py.File('test.h5') >>> fh['x'] = 2 We can call the function on the file handle >>> h5print(fh) [<HDF5 dataset "x": shape (), type "<i8">] or call the function on the filename >>> fh.close() >>> h5print('test.h5') [<HDF5 dataset "x": shape (), type "<i8">] """ if isinstance(fname_or_fh, six.string_types): with h5py.File(fname_or_fh, 'r') as fh: return f(fh, *args, **kwargs) else: return f(fname_or_fh, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]def h5ls_str(g, offset='', print_types=True): """Prints the input file/group/dataset (g) name and begin iterations on its content. See""" string = [] if isinstance(g, h5py.File): string.append(offset+repr(g.file)) elif isinstance(g, h5py.Dataset): if print_types: string.append(' '+repr(g.shape)+' '+(g.dtype.str)) else: string.append(' '+repr(g.shape)) elif isinstance(g, h5py.Group): string.append( else: raise ValueError('WARNING: UNKNOWN ITEM IN HDF5 FILE' if isinstance(g, h5py.File) or isinstance(g, h5py.Group): for key, subg in dict(g).items(): string.append(h5ls_str(subg, offset + ' ', print_types=print_types)) return "\n".join(string)
[docs]def h5ls(*args): """List the contents of an HDF5 file object or group. Accepts a file / group handle, or a string interpreted as the hdf5 file path.""" for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, six.string_types): fh = h5py.File(arg, mode='r') print(h5ls_str(fh)) fh.close() else: print(h5ls_str(arg))
[docs]def prnDict(aDict, br='\n', html=0, keyAlign='l', sortKey=0, keyPrefix='', keySuffix='', valuePrefix='', valueSuffix='', leftMargin=4, indent=1, braces=True): '''Return a string representive of aDict in the following format:: { key1: value1, key2: value2, ... } Spaces will be added to the keys to make them have same width. Parameters ---------- sortKey: 0 or 1 set to 1 if want keys sorted; keyAlign: either 'l' or 'r', for left, right align, respectively. keyPrefix, keySuffix, valuePrefix, valueSuffix: string The prefix and suffix to wrap the keys or values. Good for formatting them for html document (for example, keyPrefix='<b>', keySuffix='</b>'). Note: The keys will be padded with spaces to have them equally-wide. The pre- and suffix will be added OUTSIDE the entire width. html: 0 or 1 If set to 1, all spaces will be replaced with '&nbsp;', and the entire output will be wrapped with '<code>' and '</code>'. br: string Determine the carriage return. If html, it is suggested to set br to '<br>'. If you want the html source code easy to read, set br to ``'<br>\n'``. References ---------- version: 04b52 author : Runsun Pan require: odict() # an ordered dict, if you want the keys sorted. Dave Benjamin''' if aDict: #------------------------------ sort key if sortKey: dic = aDict.copy() keys = dic.keys() keys.sort() aDict = OrderedDict() for k in keys: aDict[k] = dic[k] #------------------- wrap keys with ' ' (quotes) if str tmp = ['{'] ks = [type(x)==str and "'%s'"%x or x for x in aDict.keys()] #------------------- wrap values with ' ' (quotes) if str vs = [type(x)==str and "'%s'"%x or x for x in aDict.values()] maxKeyLen = max([len(str(x)) for x in ks]) for i in range(len(ks)): #-------------------------- Adjust key width k = {1 : str(ks[i]).ljust(maxKeyLen), keyAlign=='r': str(ks[i]).rjust(maxKeyLen) }[1] v = vs[i] tmp.append(' '* indent+ '%s%s%s:%s%s%s,' %( keyPrefix, k, keySuffix, valuePrefix,v,valueSuffix)) tmp[-1] = tmp[-1][:-1] # remove the ',' in the last item tmp.append('}') if leftMargin: tmp = [ ' '*leftMargin + x for x in tmp ] if not braces: tmp = tmp[5:-2] if html: return '<code>%s</code>' %br.join(tmp).replace(' ','&nbsp;') else: return br.join(tmp) else: return '{}'
from kpfm.util.readtxt import kpfm_data